Dana Smith Show Team, Inc

Dana Smith Show Team, Inc
What is offered
31441 Avenida De La Vista
San Juan Capistrano, Ca. 92675

Customized Training to Achieve Your Dreams
Greg grew up riding in France, and began his U.S. riding career in Seattle, WA. He has worked for several trainers throughout the West Coast while refining his skills with young and developing horses and as an instructor.
Greg teaches the American Forward Riding system and is a loyal follower of longtime USET jumping chef d’equipe George Morris. With horses, that translates to a big emphasis on flat work.
“When you do your homework on the flat, then your horse learns very quickly over jumps,” Greg explains.
Horses in his program are trained to be very sensitive to leg and rein aids. “I teach a horse to be forward first and soft in the mouth. I want him to be responsive to my leg and to not fight my hand. It’s pretty simple.”
He has also completed the United States Hunter Jumper Assn. Trainer Certificate Program.




Kylie Drew began her riding career here at Dana Smith Show Team, Inc. when she was only 7 years old. With many miles and wins in the Hunter, Equitation, and Jumper rings, Kylie’s 15 plus years of experience paired with her undying passion for the industry make her a valuable asset to our team. She has competed at A shows across the West Coast and collected knowledge from some of the top trainers in the state but ultimately landed back here at Dana Smith Show Team, Inc. where she happily calls home.
Throughout her riding career, Kylie has worked with horses from only a few months under saddle through A rated show champions and seasoned veterans. Kylie truly loves sharing her knowledge with riders of all ages and skill levels, from our Summer camp kids to our advanced show team and everyone in between. Kylie’s deep love for the sport and competitive spirit make her ideal day out at a show, coaching and cheering on our Team. She takes great pride in helping shape our future equestrians.
Dana is celebrating 41 years of training aspiring equestrians. The experience and training
methods have proven successful for riders with the goal of performing from local and highest
level competitions. Starting young riders from their first ride to successful show careers.
Most proud: Many of these riders have achieved immense success with several
professional careers in the equestrian industry. It’s a thrill to be thought of as their mentor.
Professional Career Accomplishments:
1983 - Present
*Founder, Owner and Trainer DANA SMITH SHOW TEAM, Inc.
*Hunter/Jumper Rider Program
*45 training horses - 9 riding school horses - 70 riders training
*3 full time instructors - 2 full time grooms
*Certified Instructor - United States Hunter Jumper Association 17 years
*Imports mulitple Europen warmbloods each year (Jett Martin Sport Horses)
*Daily task - lessons scheduling - email returns - runs social media - web site - invoicing
1978 - Present
*Equine Shipping up & down California, carries Class 'A' Commercial Drivers License
*On call for Veterinarian Emergency Hospital Shipping & transporting Europeon Imports
*Trained and member of Large Animal Rescue Team (LART)
1979 - 1982
*Veterinarian Technician - Equine Veterinarian Associates Hospital, Yorba Linda
1978 - 1983
*Trained - Big K Stables, Santa Ana
Professional Activities/Affilations:
1994 - Present
Orange County Horse Show Association (OCHSA) Board of Directors
*27 years as Presidnet, Vice President or Treasurer
*OCHSA Championship Horse Show Committee
*Chairperson 26 years, oraganizes yearly championship show
2001 - 2022
Interscholastic Equestrain League (IEL) Board of Directors
*Office of Secretary 16 years
*Scholarship Committee Chair 14 years
*Awarded 'Trainer of the Year' 16 years
2009 - Present
San Juan Capistrano Equestrian Coalition (SJCEC) Board of Directors
*Serves on committee yearly fund raisers
We are proud and honered to have Nicole Kang riding several for us at Rancho and taking over the reins to several in the show arena, Jamie Sailor.

The real boss